
Empowered Recovery: Wholesome Recipes for New Moms”

1 week meal plan for new moms by The Nanny That Could

Snack Exercises: A Quick and Easy Way to Stay Active

What Are Snack Exercises?

“Exercise snacks” are like those little bites of energy you grab between meals, but instead of food, they’re bursts of physical activity. These short, intense movements can be done throughout your day, fitting seamlessly into your busy mom’s life. No gym membership is required! 🏋️‍♀️.

Read the Blog HERE.

Restful Nights, Energized Days: Unlocking Better Mom and Baby Sleep”

As a new mom, navigating baby sleep while fulfilling feeding demands can be both rewarding and exhausting. But fear not—I’ve got your back! Let’s explore some practical strategies to improve baby naps and nights while ensuring you have the energy to conquer each day. 🌙💪

What’s on my desk: A peek into My Organized Oasis

Welcome to my sanctuary of productivity – my desk, where chaos turns into coordinated creativity. I confess that I have a touch of OCD when it comes to organization and aesthetics; everything has to look pretty and be in its designated place.

Agenda Unveiling: The ritual begins with the opening of my agenda, a gateway to the upcoming week. As a doula juggling family, clients, and business endeavours, setting priorities is paramount. Kids top the list, followed by client commitments and the nitty-gritty of my professional life.

A Symphony of Colors: Step into my world, and you’ll be greeted by a riot of colours. Pencils, notebooks, and essentials – all coordinated in a girly and childish palette that brings joy to mundane tasks. There’s a method to this madness, an intentional effort to infuse vibrancy into my workspace.

Floral Elegance: My desk wouldn’t be complete without a touch of nature. Fresh flowers breathe life into my workspace, a constant reminder of the beauty amidst the busyness. The delicate fragrance enhances the atmosphere, creating a serene cocoon for productivity.

Essential Oils Kit: Nestled within arm’s reach is my trusty kit of essential oils. A doula’s secret weapon for relaxation and rejuvenation, these aromatic blends keep me centred throughout the day. From lavender to citrus, my desk is a miniature aromatherapy haven.

For those who share my penchant for pink and stylish desk accessories, I’ve curated a list of must-haves on Amazon. Elevate your workspace with these chic additions:

1. Desk organizer and monitor stand riser

2. Planner and organizer. Updated

3. Toronto Flower Subscription

4. Large Capacity Pencil Case

5. Ring Binder Planner Cover

In this organized haven, my desk transforms into a haven of efficiency, blending functionality with a touch of whimsy. It’s a testament to the harmony one can achieve when work and aesthetics coalesce. Until next time, stay productive and pretty! 

Mon planificateur quotidien

Mon planificateur est l’un de ces simples journaux à reliure à anneaux que vous pouvez vous procurer dans n’importe quel magasin de papeterie. Papier blanc. Aucune ligne pour mettre en cage mon écriture et mes griffonnages aventureux. Je suis un preneur de notes obsessionnel et je remplis les pages jusqu’aux marges avec des listes de tâches, des croquis et des idées pour des articles de blog. J’utilise généralement un planificateur chaque mois.

Rester organisé

Qui moi ? Organisé ? Mon mari vous dira peut-être le contraire, mais j’ai du mal à suivre notre emploi du temps hebdomadaire. Vous savez : l’école, la natation, les courses, le rangement, le paiement des factures, la mémorisation des rendez-vous, etc. Heureusement, dans notre maison, nous participons tous. Personne ne fait tout. Mais nous avons un petit secret qui aide notre journée à se dérouler plus facilement.

Astuces de voyage

Il existe des millions de conseils sur la façon de prendre l’avion avec des enfants, ce qu’il faut emporter en camping, quelle valise acheter, où aller et quoi voir dans à peu près tous les coins de la planète. Ce que je veux partager aujourd’hui, c’est quelque chose d’un peu différent – quelque chose que nous avons découvert l’été dernier lors d’une randonnée en famille dans les Appalaches.